If your company employs between 5-20 employees you are legally required to have a Health and Safety Representative (HSR). The HSR performs similar functions to a Joint Health & Safety Committee, so there is a great deal of responsibility to learn. Let us help you!
Who should take this course?
Newly appointed Health and Safety Reps, Supervisors, and small business owners that regularly employ between 5 and 20 workers. Every effort will be made to ensure the objectives of the course will appeal to the most diverse audience possible.
OHSA: "In workplaces, including construction projects, at which the number of workers regularly exceeds five and at which no joint health and safety committee is required (5-20 employees) employers or constructors must ensure that workers select a health and safety representative [subsection 8(1)]. Like joint health and safety committee members, the representative should be committed to improving health and safety conditions in the workplace." ~ Ministry of Labour
OHSA: "In workplaces, including construction projects, at which the number of workers regularly exceeds five and at which no joint health and safety committee is required (5-20 employees) employers or constructors must ensure that workers select a health and safety representative [subsection 8(1)]. Like joint health and safety committee members, the representative should be committed to improving health and safety conditions in the workplace." ~ Ministry of Labour